The Return Of The Jedi-ish…

The Story So Far…

Today we get to see the third, and final installment of the fantastic fan-art trilogy from in by Abhay, from Andover, Massachusetts. In this episode, we see the Peanizles gang transformed into respective Star Wars characters! For the finale, we get a vision of Succotash dressed as Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi, or more correctly, the incredible Tashi-Wan Succobe, brandishing his light saber and fabulous facebook jersey! In the back, just coming over the horizon, two familiar Droids approach, as R2-D2 and Chuck in his alter-ego as C3-PO, or as Abhay calls him Chuck-PO.

Thanks so much for all the hard work and amazing drawings, Abhay!

And keep the artwork coming!!!

